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Showing posts from October, 2008
Its been two weeks since I quit my job and yes the one thing I miss most about my old job is the unlimited internet access.I can't blog as often as I used but have said to myself I will dedicate at least an hour every week so that I don'y lose touch with my creativity. I also set myself to go on a twenty one day fast since the first of October and to my surprise this fast instead of making me feel anointed and great has instead been bringing to light areas that are not aligned to God's will, I have learnt with shame how I had wrong motives and attitudes that did not bring glory to God and am glad that God's grace is sufficient and in these weakness His power is made stronger. I am still going ahead with the fast and who knows what else He is gonna expose in me but I choose to make myself pliable , Have your way Holy Spirit. I felt a bit low yesterday and the enermy was trying to make me regret leaving my job and almost lost my peace than I remembered whose voice told me