Echoes of a once wounded but now restored heart...

“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.” —Psalm 18:24 (The Message Bible) An account of my life events.... Echoes from my heart to the very heart of God....

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Finally In the flow of my destiny!!!!!!

I have been working for my church for the past 2 moths and loving it although they have been some difficult times but I just remind myself that I am working for God’s purpose and not man and that keeps me going. I turned down a lucrative offer in a secular job and listened to what God wants from me. I am giving a year to work in the ministry and from there on I intend to focus on launching my business and work on the book I am planning to write. Its not all making sense at the moment but I trust in God and I know He orders my footsteps. My friends and family do not understand why I am working in the ministry right now and they even thought I was going mad when I took three months off from work to seek God’s face….but hey even Jesus’ natural family thought he was going mad in Mark 3:21

God has also totally cut me off from many relationships, only those that I know my destiny is tied to have remained, even some close relationships have died on their own. Some of those friends that I knew had no clue or understood where God wants to take me I had to intentionally cut off even though it was painful. When the eagle is about to be renewed they have to pluck out their own feathers even though it’s a very painful process but they persevere because they want new ones…I want to be renewed so I with the help of the Holy Spirit plucked off feather/relationships that were not building me. Being a socialite this season has been difficult because I have been totally cut off, the only people that have been speaking into my life are those that are my mentors.

Although I know that I have a Pastoral calling I also know that God has called me to be an influential entrepreneur/businesswoman so that I can be a conduit of God’s wealth and blessings and be able to fund the gospel and then of course I am also called to be an inspirational writer, I am just not sure of the order, whether or not I am going to become a lay pastor before becoming a businesswoman and writer I have no clue, All I know is that I am finally in the flow of my destiny!!!!!!!!

God has been weaning me from the dependency on my support systems; He has broken me away from needing the approval of my generation, taken me through controversy until I learn to stand on my own two feet. He has isolated me so that He can integrate me into His divine purpose for my life. I know God has been taking me through loneliness to prove me and now He is releasing me into my destiny….


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

27 February 2009

I am at that stage where I am holding onto Christ with everything I have.I have reached the end of my resource.God spoke clearly to me and asked me to leave work and give him the last quarter of 2008.I had the most amazing times getting to know Him and bask in His presence.There was also such a grace for provision .He took care of me as I took care of his business.

The plan was to go back to work in January 2009, but God then went on to ask me for January as my First Fruits to Him. I listened and gave Him January and even got offered 2 jobs.Then the delays started…the secular job which I had been told that I had got the job , they were no telling me that they were happy with me but still felt that I should go on a one week trial first in order for them to decide between me and another job applicant.Then the job at church, I had impressed them at the interview but they were failing to get hold of me till they were left with no choice but to find someone else even though they are promising that they still want me to work in the ministry.

Maybe God you have closed the tap on resources in Zimbabwe because you want me to go down South.There is seemingly so much uncertainity about my welfare, I am looking to you God coz I need accommodation/shelter and I need food. I am your responsibility and not anybody else’s and I do not want to be a burden on anyone in these tough times.

Michael Phelps the Olympics swimmer and gold medal record breaker who broke the 1972 gold medal record of 7, said he never set out to win 8 gold metals in 2008 but just set out to do his best.His secret lay in the fact that He practiced every Sunday.This means that as he stands, ready to dive amidst all his competitors , He stands there 52 times more trained then them.

Although I may appear as someone who doesn’t know what they want or where they are going,someone who has no stability, Deep down in my heart I know that I have a firm foundation , I know that God has strengthened and enriched my inner man through the times I have fellowshipped with Him in this season. As I stand here I know I have been placed in my position and have received authority and direction. I am rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Things are not what they seem.The current situation may be contradictory to what God said but the fact is that I am favoured.I have stability. Thank you Lord that this is my year of manifestation .