Echoes of a once wounded but now restored heart...

“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.” —Psalm 18:24 (The Message Bible) An account of my life events.... Echoes from my heart to the very heart of God....

Friday, February 26, 2010

My Purpose in God is Stronger than my Pain!!!!

I am still riding on a crest of a wave from the prayer conference that was held at our church at the end of January.God came through in a mighty way.At the prayer conference ,Pastor Bonnie, our Co- Senior Pastor of Celebrate International(check who ministers in the office of a Prophet shared something so profound that has altered the course of my life. She kept emphasizing that
Your purpose is stronger than your pain.

It suddenly dawned on me that God’s purpose in my life takes precedence over my pain. Pastor Bonnie gave examples of pain that we don’t know about that she has faced even as she continues to minister and about Senior Pastor Tom’s most recent experience when the stage props fell on him while he was praying in the back and he almost broke his neck, but he got up and went on to preach even though he was in such pain and had to see a doctor immediately after that…..tears rolled down my cheeks when I thought of what my local Pastors at Celebration Braeside church , Pastor Stash and Pastor Samantha face and yet they still do what God sent them to do despite..and then I thought to myself:

.. whatever painful stuff I have faced at Braeside and will face at Braeside and wherever God will send me I haven’t yet suffered to the extent of my spiritual parents.

So I am determined more than ever to do what God sent me to do at Braeside and wherever God leads regardless of whatever the enermy throws at me, regardless of whetherI am misunderstood, or maligned or whether aspersions are cast on my character
…because My Purpose Is Stronger Than My Pain!
I no longer live, Tafadzwa and her feelings are dead..Christ lives now and yes Christ in me is the Hope of Glory!!

I love this God who is my everything my El Shaddai, I love Yahweh with everything I have and I will go where He tells me to go and do what He tells me to do even if there is pain , I will obey Him because His purpose is greater than my pain!!!! God my deliverer will always give me a way to escape. I will continue to press on, persevere and through endurance will gain my life
