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True Beauty-Author Unknown

What is beauty?
Is it really skin deep?
Or is it honestly depicted in Cosmopolitan magazines?
Commercials for Revlon or Hollywood movie screens?
Cause if that it beauty, then it is something we do not need
With bleached hair, coloured contacts, chipped noses and chins,
face lifts, tucked stomachs and enlarged lips,
slimmed hips to mimic Barbie dolls and lure wannabe Ken’s and live in an imaginary world,
where nothing is real – except your lack of self-esteem-
cause it’s the devil’s scheme to set an illusion of standards:
like women must be under a certain weight, or they are overweight
when God gave then a body that the heavens’ celebrate.
But in a culture of which measures success by money and appearance,
we are often lured into this shinning darkness with false promises
or a fulfilling fantasy that, Đ¢ALL WILL BE WELL, IF ONLY I CAN FIX MY IMPERFECTIONS! failing to realize that beauty stems from the inside out, not the outside in
and our bodies are not our own but temples of Him.
So rebel against the standards society spews, and relish in the magnificence of your inner self- keeping in mind that the physical is merely a vessel,
it fades away, temporary like grey clouds and rain and with time we will die
How will YOU be remembered?
For your physical attributes?
Or for you understanding and truth?
For your facial features, or what your character teaches???
They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
but if the beholder is God, then it is found within


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