In pursuit of purity...
After having been led by the Holy Spirit, when I was picking a book from the church library...I picked"Every Woman's battle" by Shannon Ethridge & Stephen Arterburn. I have only just started reading this book but have come to realise that God wants to restore me but for Him to restore me, I need to pursue purity, not just sexually but emotionally as well. I have so much I need to let go and some mindsets that have to go. The only way women can survive the intense struggle for sexual integrity is by guarding not just our bodies, but our minds and hearts as well... So I am on a quest to be the woman that God's called me to be.I am also reading "Questions Women Ask in Private" - by Norm Wright. These books are really enlightening and I think I am going to buy my own copy of the book by Norm Wright because it touched on questions that married women have and has parenting questions and answers ..great book. Thank you God for making such rich Christian material available to me.
Its such a beautiful and exciting process being established in my identity as a woman of God and Bride of Christ. I would really want to radiate the beauty of God. In the past guys have been so drawn to me but its always been because of my looks not who I am. Its almost like all they could see was my hips and yet its every woman's desire to be desired because of who we really are and not what we look like.
I realise when I listen to God and guard my heart , I will be able to savour and enjoy friendships with godly young men without too much pressure and expectation for the friendship to lead to marriage. I realise that was the case with my new friend Archie. Even though he does have the qaulities I desire in a husband, I realise that right now Archie is my brother and I really don't wanna miss his purpose in my life..I thank you that You Lord have given me the Spirit of love, power and a sound mind. I thank you Lord that even the vain imaginations that I have of Archie and these thoughts and feeling can be taken captive to make them obey Christ. I don't want to lose focus of saviour and husband. I therefore present my body to you Lord Jesus as a living sacrifice. I desire to be a carrier of your glory Lord....I need you Holy Spirit to help me produce the fruit of the Spirit and for me to radiate the beauty of God.
I think that the phrase "guarding your heart" has a lot of inferred meaning...and some meaning that is different for different people.
As a female, I think for me it has always been something like this:
*Control your emotions and don't make decisions about a guy based on how you "feel" alone. Really look at the facts, evaluate the person on every level and make an informed decision. Female emotions are a good thing, but they can get in the way if not kept in check.
*Do not rush into any kind of relationship with the opposite sex--including a friendship. I think it's easy to find someone that you feel like you click with and then spill everything about your past and who you are. Deep, connected relationships should be saved for a relationship that is nearing marriage. Share what is important and introduce other things about yourself gradually--as long as you're straightforward and not hiding anything that you would want to know if the tables were turned.
*Pray earnestly about this person. Until you know that each of you is on the same page, do not let down your guard emotionally or physically. Overall, guarding your heart is using Godly wisdom to guide your steps in an opposite sex relationship and keeping emotions in check.
Its such a beautiful and exciting process being established in my identity as a woman of God and Bride of Christ. I would really want to radiate the beauty of God. In the past guys have been so drawn to me but its always been because of my looks not who I am. Its almost like all they could see was my hips and yet its every woman's desire to be desired because of who we really are and not what we look like.
I realise when I listen to God and guard my heart , I will be able to savour and enjoy friendships with godly young men without too much pressure and expectation for the friendship to lead to marriage. I realise that was the case with my new friend Archie. Even though he does have the qaulities I desire in a husband, I realise that right now Archie is my brother and I really don't wanna miss his purpose in my life..I thank you that You Lord have given me the Spirit of love, power and a sound mind. I thank you Lord that even the vain imaginations that I have of Archie and these thoughts and feeling can be taken captive to make them obey Christ. I don't want to lose focus of saviour and husband. I therefore present my body to you Lord Jesus as a living sacrifice. I desire to be a carrier of your glory Lord....I need you Holy Spirit to help me produce the fruit of the Spirit and for me to radiate the beauty of God.
I think that the phrase "guarding your heart" has a lot of inferred meaning...and some meaning that is different for different people.
As a female, I think for me it has always been something like this:
*Control your emotions and don't make decisions about a guy based on how you "feel" alone. Really look at the facts, evaluate the person on every level and make an informed decision. Female emotions are a good thing, but they can get in the way if not kept in check.
*Do not rush into any kind of relationship with the opposite sex--including a friendship. I think it's easy to find someone that you feel like you click with and then spill everything about your past and who you are. Deep, connected relationships should be saved for a relationship that is nearing marriage. Share what is important and introduce other things about yourself gradually--as long as you're straightforward and not hiding anything that you would want to know if the tables were turned.
*Pray earnestly about this person. Until you know that each of you is on the same page, do not let down your guard emotionally or physically. Overall, guarding your heart is using Godly wisdom to guide your steps in an opposite sex relationship and keeping emotions in check.
At 28 May 2008 at 19:12 ,
ScribblinScribe said...
Great post! Purity seems so elusive, and I find myself looking for lists and details, but so often it boils down to keeping my heart fixed on Jesus! Another couple of amazing books are "Emotional Purity: An Affair of the Heart" by Heather Paulsen and "Authentic Beauty" by Leslie Ludy. Keep living for Jesus!
At 28 May 2008 at 20:29 ,
ladyakofa said...
Great to come across a fellow blogger, who is Christian and African and young like me! We share common interests you know, just that I haven't put so much stuff about myself on my profile.
Saw your comment on YLCF. Go figure.
Can we be friends? :)
Will send my e-mail address if you consent!
At 29 May 2008 at 13:46 ,
Taffy L.Gotora said...
Thank you so much for the encouragement my sisters..May God bless you
At 23 July 2008 at 17:14 ,
Serendipitymom12 said...
Thank you for this valuable post! I will look up the books you mentioned and order them online! Thank you for your comment on my blog. It's refreshing to see a girl who truly has a heart for God. :)
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