Echoes of a once wounded but now restored heart...

“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.” —Psalm 18:24 (The Message Bible) An account of my life events.... Echoes from my heart to the very heart of God....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Beginnings....

I am excited as I close the chapter of this season. Today is the last day of the Month of July and tomorrow is the beginning of August. I am excited because August is the 8th month of the year and the number 8 spiritually symbolises a new beginning. I have been facing a lot of adversity and feeling a little bit unsettled but I know that it’s the process of getting to a new start so I am anticipating a renewal, new open doors, new prospects, new friendships etc.

Tomorrow is a brand new season, a whole new chapter in my life carrying along with it a fresh anointing!!!! I am excited about what God is about to do in and through me, I am excited to see God cause all the painful experiences I have faced to work together for my good. I am excited coz God watches over the prophetic words spoken into my life to perfom it and bring it to fulfillment. Most of all I am excited and ecstatic because He has given me JOY for all the sorrow… and a new beginning!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Jesus is with Us

“Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food;Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls-Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.The Lord God is my strength…”Habakkuk 3:17-19

You know something really encouraging? That we are NOT controlled by our life’s circumstances. That instead, those circumstances are controlled by Jesus. Even when our situations stink, we are not victims. We can’t be. It is impossible because God has a special plan for each of us. He cups our lives in His palms and He is our stability, our security.

I am trying to live right, but its not easy, God had commanded us to love at all costs. Walking the love walk is not an easy walk, You extend a kind gesture and it can be shunned .It takes faith to love another with the God-Love flowing into us. Right now I feel misunderstood, I thought I was helping out someone in my spiritual family who I know has a passion for African Capital Markets and sent him some weekly report that I subscribe to only to receive a cold reply that I should not trouble myself because he has subscribed as well. I was hurt that my genuine intentions were perceived as something else and it hurts but I am still going to praise God and still going to love this fellow church member with the love of God despite even if they drive past me after church even though they know we are going the same direction!!!.

Our love for one another is the fruit, not the root, of our relationship with God. John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, taught that our love for others emerges from our relationship with God; that anyone born of God who knows God will love with the love of God (1 John 4:7, based on NLT).I want to represant the love of Christ in every aspect after all , I may speak in tongues of men and angels and prophecy etc but if I have not love, I am nothing!!!!

I have just been told that I can only get my salary on Friday instead of today and though I wonder how I am going to get to Friday ...with no cash in my bag and an empty fridge and overdue bills...I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day.2 Timothy 1:11-13

At the end of it all… I know this. I know that God is in control. He’s the creator of the universe. He made me. He saved me and He has my name written in the palm of His hand!!!. He LOVES me. And if this is part of His plan, then He has a reason!”So, yea… sometimes we want to yell out, “DO-OVER God!” But, in our heart of hearts we know… God is in control. He made us. He saved us. He LOVES us. And our faith rests in Christ, not in our circumstances!BE ENCOURAGED, BECAUSE WHEREVER YOU ARE TODAY… JESUS IS THERE!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


The name Zimbabwe derives from "Dzimba dza mabwe" meaning "great houses of stone" in the Shona language. Its use as the country's name is a tribute to Great Zimbabwe, site of the capital of the Empire of Great Zimbabwe.

Our beautiful nation of Zimbabwe is a tiny country whose map shape is rather odd, our map has a horn and biblically a horn symbolises strength. However Zimbabwe is currently experiencing a hard currency shortage, which has led to hyperinflation and chronic shortages in imported fuel and consumer goods. Mugabe's critics blame his programme of land reform. However, Mugabe claims that massive financial isolation through American, British and EU legislation such as the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZDERA) of 2001 is the actual cause of hyperinflation. Under ZDERA, the United States is prohibited from supporting any efforts by the International Monetary Fund and other financial institutions to extend loans, credit or debt cancellation to the government of Zimbabwe. As Zimbabwe needs to import all its energy, and oil is paid for in US dollars, this made the country vulnerable to financial sanctions like ZDERA.

Zimbabwe's current economic and food crisis, described by some observers as the country's worst humanitarian crisis since independence, has been attributed, in varying degrees, to government economic mismanagement, government prohibitions on relief efforts from foreign NGOs (non-governmental organizations), a drought affecting the entire region, and the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

What fascinates me though is that although Zimbabwe is going through a rough patch , it is not the poorest and is not the only country under sanctions but Zimbabwe is always at the centre of attention because of two reasons. The first one being that God wants the world whole world watching this tiny nation which is in the valley of dry bones come to life again, The second reason we all know is that because Zimbabwe is wealthy nation with a lot of potential The West does indeed have interests in exploiting its wealth and that is FACT!!! Being on the ground and being an observer in whats been happening and the exxageration that I see on BBC and all these Western countries I sometimes get affected. This is a naturally peaceful nation, the stats so far indicate that ever since March 27 when the election took place 101 have died Kenya is didn’t take 4 days for the death tolls to go up to a 1000…whats an interesting contrast.
Anyway I wil not digress fron the reason why I am writing this blog- I am celebrating a historic event that took place yesterday. The president of the Ruling Party (who I personally am not sure if he did win the election) Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai met in the same room, these people have not set eyes on each other for 10 years yet they did and even shook hands!! They both signed the Memorandum Of Understanding which binds them to a dialogue and solutions over a way forward. I personally am not Zanu PF supporter but I don’t support Morgan Tsvangira either because I disagreed with his ideology of trying to mobilise the support of Western Governments instead of homegrowing the party and also because he kept pressing for sanctions and the truth is sanctions affect the ordinary man and not the government in power. I belive that what Zimbabwe is going through spiritually has a profound effect on Africa as a whole. Once Zimbabwe sorts out her mess its going to be a symbolic that Africa can solve her own problems. As a prophetic intercessor maybe it explains why I do not belong to any party ..but I can identify with the story in Joshua chapter 5.
Josh 5:13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries?
Josh 5:14 And he said, Nay; but as prince of the host of Jehovah am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my lord unto his servant?
Josh 5:15 And the prince of Jehovah’s host said unto Joshua, Put off thy shoe from off thy foot; for the place whereon thou standest is holy. And Joshua did so

God is not on Zanu PF nor MDC’s side, He’s the commander in Chief of the Host of Heaven, that’s the army that I am a part of, My role as a prophetic intercessor is to pray the will of God and to commit to praying through God's prophetic purposes for Zimbabwe- the main one being reconciliation, in the past Zimbabwe has played a role in the Mozambique Peace process, The South African process and the Democratic Republic of Congo , We are the Switzerland of Africa. Despite what the situation appears to be, the prophetic intercessor does not base his praying on either good or bad conditions, but rather on the covenant of God…

For me the journey of intercession has not been an easy one…God has had to deal with my heart though from the scars of racism. After Independence although black Zimbabweans gained political freedom they did not gain economic liberation, the wealth was still in the hands of white Africans who constituted of about 1,5% of the population. They owned large farms, drove the flashy cars and isolated themselves from the blacks, created their own exclusive sporting clubs, private schools and if numbers of black children increased they would go and form another school and the cycle would go on. I remember my dad taking my brother and I to the country club because he was a farmer and there was a disco for the teenagers my brother and I were the only blacks and felt unwanted, we then stepped up to the dee jay and asked him to play some R ‘n’ B and he did reluctantly …then all the white kids walked out leaving my brother and I. This was a painful moment for me and this must have 1997, Here I was being made to feel like an outcast in the country of my heritage and birth. I was to experience this again recently at the time that I joined the company that I work for. It’s a white owned business and daily I was ill treated, maligned and denied opportunities for upgrading, I was slighted for a position that was to be given to a white, computer illiterate inexperienced school leaver. I became a reactionary racist until God dealt with my heart…and I forgave and released my antagonists little did I know that God wanted me to feel like how white folk in Zim felt with the whole political situation but the truth still remains that’s its not what it appears to be on CNN, White people still dine at the expensive places and yes white people in Zim do not use public transport, on rare occasions if you see a white person hiking it’s a tourist, they still drive nice cars and are running their business and they have not been asked to all leave Zimbabwe. However the manner in which their farms were taken was brutal and not done in an orderly way even though land resdistribution was long overdue and I pray for all those who lost their farms and yet I have seen some blacks who got those farms who are happy and doing well in farming so we will never understand how God works. In the Shona culture we honour the mid wife and adopt her as an aunt to the new born because her hands are the first hands that welcome and receive the new born , my mid wife was white , she worked with my mum at the hospital and spiritually the people that have led me to Christ or played a mothering role in my walk of faith have been mainly white and that’s what led me to then realize that I am called to the ministry of reconciliation and cannot afford to be partial to people’s colour , tribe or dialect.
So Despite what the situation appears to be, the prophetic intercessor does not base his praying on either good or bad conditions, but rather on the covenant of God…

PROPHECY FOR ZIMBABWE(Given by Cindy Jacobs (President of Generals of Intercession Organisation 30/10/98,Guatemala City, Guatemala)The river is to flow through Zimbabwe and I see a powerful torrent of water, a mighty rushing torrent, many fish. I see there are strongholds of division in the church and the accuser of the brethren is active to discourage souls. An army of women with the Deborah anointing will march across the land. They will be like a net all over Zimbabwe with prayer. With a powerful anointing, the women first and the men following.I see ancient thrones coming down, reconciliation between black and white, the spirit of racism which goes back further down to the tribes .I will use Zimbabwe like a Jewel; she will help feed the world with produce, beautiful produce, beautiful produce. God will break the curse that came through civil war-the curse will be broken (I know nothing about Zimbabwe) The Land will produce beautiful beef. New factories will be built.Zimbabwe has the ministry of reconciliation that will reunite the African people. The anointing of reconciliation will be all over Zimbabwe.Do not be afraid of change, although it looks like you are going backwards. I have a plan for you.Satan thinks he is advancing but I will expose wickedness at high levels.Do not be afraid.Satan will try to bring war, but this army will be used to stop war and bloodshed.A treaty will be written with other nations.Zimbabwe will be like a Switzerland to bring the healing of the nations –to break ancient things .Your nation came through trickery but God will restore it.You will be given a piece of land- a beautiful place to pray .The Annas will give their lives to intercession.You will build a place to watch and pray .It will be like a village with a place to sleep.Senior citizens will have places to stay and give their time to pray day and night.

Cindy Jacobs’ Prophecy For The Nation Of Zimbabwe And AfricaCovenant Church of Pittsburgh, 17th October 2001

The Lord has a word for Zimbabwe. This is the word for the nation:Weeping only endures for a night but joy comes in the morning. Satan is very afraid of Zimbabwe, very afraid, so he has sent his troops, but the Lord says, I myself have sent my angels and I am going to reveal myself to a people that has not recognized me. And the Lord says, I am going to raise up an army of Intercessors that have had to go deep, deep, deep like the palm tree in times of drought. And this army of Intercessors have clung and stood to the word of the Lord, so therefore I will use them to heal Africa says God.And I am going to release a mighty prayer army that will go forth from this land. And the Lord says I am going to stay this spirit of violence and I am going to begin to reverse things in this land. The Lord says, don't look at what you see now, but understand that I am going to make this a peace-making nation. And the Lord says, I the Prince of Peace am going to enthrone myself in miraculous ways there, says God. And this will be known as a country that is a peaceful country and restored. The Lord gives me Joel. That God is going to restore the years that the cankerworm and the locust have eaten up. This will be a Joel nation and a Malachi nation and I am going to turn the heart of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers.There is a linking between Zimbabwe and South Africa that will be miraculous for I am going to bring great healing between these nations says the Lord. There are treasure of darkness that have waited till this hour in Africa to be released for the greatest harvest that continent has ever seen, and that the Africans will help protect and heal America, the Lord showed me that. And that which was despised, God is going to bring humility into the heart of those in America to humble themselves to receive this word because it is in the healing of the nation that is going to come the receiving of the Africans.The Lord is showing me that He is getting ready to build an east to the west road across Africa that will physically open up the heart of Africa. The Lord shows me that He is getting ready to reach the unreached and He is going to break open North Africa, break it open. I'm telling you God is going to break it open.AMEN


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Godly Sonship...

I had such a blessed and awesome weekend. We had an all night prayer vigil at our house because my housemate is a house group leader. It was just us young single ladies and we first had dinner together , then we watched a movie called Facing The Giants – a good Christian movie and then we started sharing our lives and what we were expecting God to do for us at the all night prayer then we started praying. And God showed up..and u know the deal when God shows up He moves and He speaks.

I am overwhelmed..., I cannot even begin to explain what He has been revealing to me through His word and through prophetic words so far this week. I have a passion for entreprenuaship and women’s ministry, I am about empowering women and so on Sunday on my way to church in a lady in the same lift who I did not even know said to me 'you are going to be a prominent businesswoman and said she saw me standing in front of many women and addresing them and said that she kept getting the word “ladies” and indeed my passion is women's ministry.. and then when I went to prayer school was singled out from the audience and the pastor who was teaching said to me “the Lord has something for you and you need to tap into it, u need to stand in the gap.You don't and cannot fathom the magnitude of the things the Lord has for you...” The word about standing in front of people and addressing many reminded me of that day at my cousin’s place 2 years ago and thats the day Pastor Makaza spoke into my life and said that ‘Do you see that woman on tv ( there was a woman preaching) you are going to do that..”

I am not the same person I was last week, I am now a Son of God.. I am no longer a child but have known come to maturity in the

1Cor 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things.

Gal 4:1 “But I say that so long as the heir is a child, he differeth nothing from a bondservant though he is lord of all;
Gal 4:2 but is under guardians and stewards until the day appointed of the father”

God brought me into Sonship this last weekend and because I am no longer a child I can now exercise the authority of an heir, and I am thankful that God is giving me greater understanding of my authority by defining my responsibility. And now He is taking me on this process of learning what Godly Sonship is..

This is the hour for the sons of God to be revealed has come..indeed as:

Romans 8:19 “For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God”. NKJV
For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship]. Amplified Version

Now that I know that I am a god, my life will never be the same again. To think all these years that I was saved I did not know that as a Son and heir I have so much dominion and authority because of who my Father is..until I read this verse:

Ps 82:6 “I said, Ye are gods, And all of you sons of the Most High”

I hope all of you who read my blog catch on to this revelation of true sonship because you are a Son of God and an heir of the Almighty God, Its time to start walking and talking as the King’s child. And begin to take an outward expression that matches the inner Son of God nature It will change the atmosphere and your surroundings. May God open the eyes of your understanding and may May you walk in dominion over every circumstance and situation like a Son who know who his Father is.. Amen.