Echoes of a once wounded but now restored heart...

“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.” —Psalm 18:24 (The Message Bible) An account of my life events.... Echoes from my heart to the very heart of God....

Monday, September 01, 2014

Do You Know What Season It Is?

“From Issachar's descendants there were 200 leaders who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. Their relatives were under their command.”- 1 Chronicles 12:32

I have come to realize that it is very important to know the season one is in. In the literal sense, when I know that it’s winter, I dress accordingly and only participate in activities that are conducive to that weather. Knowing the season also gives an understanding of what you should do. The advantage that the sons of Issachar had over everyone else is that that they did not just know the times/seasons but they knew what needed to be done. When the rainy season approaches the farmer gets ready to plant …it’s like that in our lives too.

In one season, God may just be telling you to sow but because you do not understand the season you may focus on trying to harvest. Some of us are doing the right things at the wrong time/season. For example, where you need to be stepping out and blossoming because it’s the summer of your life, you may enclose yourself because you think you are still in the winter season.

Step 1 - Know what season you are in
Step 2 - Know what is to be done in that season and 
Step 3 - Do what is supposed to be done in that season

These 3 steps will give you an advantage over anyone else who does not know what season it is, what needs to be done and does not do what needs to be done
You may wonder, “how do I know what season it is and what I should do?”. Stay in the word and prayer! Knowing your season will require you to stay in the Word of God and prayer like Daniel. 

Daniel chapter 9 reads: “In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, learned from the Scriptures the number of years that Jerusalem would remain in ruins. The LORD had told the prophet Jeremiah that Jerusalem would remain in ruins for 70 years” 

Daniel had been studying the scriptures and discovered that the time/season for the end of Israel’s captivity had come. From that discovery, Daniel had a revelation that he needed to take the prophecy that Jeremiah had given 70 years before and use it to wage war in prayer so that Israel would be restored accordingly and he did just that.

God will speak to you about the season you are in if you spend time in the word of God and prayer consistently like Daniel did. Daniel knew the seasons and what needed to be done…and he actually ruled and served under 3 different government regimes!!!!!! Now thats HUGE!!!!

From the life of the sons of Issachar we learn that “Of the sons of Issachar, men who understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their kinsmen were at their command (1 Chronicles 12:32).

Two hundred chiefs "who understood the times" held an entire tribe under their command. How? People will follow a person who has revelation. People will be drawn to anyone who walks with integrity in the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. What God did before, He wants to do again! Right here, right now, with YOU…
I am not preaching to you alone, I am preaching to myself too because I am just realizing that there are times I have been doing even the right thing but in the wrong season and times that I have known the season but  have not been clear on whats to be done and therefore done nothing in the end and as a result of that I have found myself  at the mercy of those who know the season and know what has to be done in that season and actually do what has to be done…

My prayer is that we would all know what season we are in so that we would know what we ought to do and do it well and so have dominion like the sons of Issachar and Daniel !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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