One Strategy God has given us to defeat the evil one is for us sisters to stand with each other and look out for one another. If you are not involved with the Women’s Ministry in your local Church get plugged in to the women’s ministry in your local church because God is setting you up. This is the season to tap into what God is doing and He is doing it through our sisters: natural and spiritual. I will share some scriptures to illustrate to you why you need to cultivate your relationships with other women younger, older, married or single, work colleagues, Zumba fitness partners, baby daddy’s sisters... any woman…its not the season to compete with your fellow sister but the season to complete and complement one another.
A lots of teaching has been done on Ruth and Boaz but today I want to hone in on Naomi’s unique relationship with Ruth. I believe Ruth had tapped in to what God was doing in Naomi’s life and had watched her mother-in-law pray and even worshipped along with her, The Amplified version says that Ruth clung to Naomi when the time came for her to say goodbye. Naomi must have won Ruth over through the way she lived and the way she treated her daughters in-law, I like to believe and picture Naomi speaking wisdom to the two daughters who must have hung on every word she had to say and so Ruth realized that Naomi was carrying something inside of her and what Naomi was carrying was crucial for Ruth’s destiny. Maybe the older lady you just started speaking to lately seems not share your shoe fetish and your taste in music, appears not to have anything in common with you, but that very woman could be the woman that God has anointed to intercede for your breakthrough this season and maybe that old widow next door has the word of wisdom to propel you to your destiny. May God open the eyes of our understanding that we may see the Naomi’s he has placed in our paths this season, may we embrace them and cling on to them like Ruth for destiny’s sake!!!!
So Ruth clings to Naomi and leaves her comfort zone, her young friends and her entire family and her home country and goes to a foreign land. Spiritually Ruth was holding on to the link to her destiny and was prepared to forsake all in pursuit of this. When they get to Israel Ruth continues on her journey to destiny, she is accountable to Naomi and updates her on what has transpired in the field and carefully heeds every instruction that Naomi gives her. You see if Naomi had not been there we would not have been talking about this marriage that produced our Lord Jesus’ ancestry. Naomi is the one who had the scoop/info here sisters, she reveals to Ruth who the man who was checking her out and has shown interest is, Naomi further goes on to tell Ruth to go wash and perfume herself and where to find this baller (lol man of wealth) at the threshing floor at midnight!!! Spiritually the he threshing floor is symbolic of a place where we deal with our flesh or sinful nature. It is a place where the chaff gets separated from the wheat. It is here we pray and cry out to the Lord for help or where we repent and determine to get victory over the sinful nature…and so that means the place of prayer is where Boaz or whatever breakthrough you need and its at midnight so make time to wake up and pray!!! So Naomi’s push us to seek God’s face more and helps us build a strong prayer and fasting life so that we are in a position to receive God’s promises.
This is the season to intentionally cultivate our relationships with other women, you are someone’s Naomi so avail yourself and be more approachable don’t be stingy with the info hey, share everything you know that the Ruth needs to know from you and then even if you are someone’s Naomi you still need a Naomi for yourself so listen to the Holy Spirit and swallow your pride and cling on to her yeah , send her a Facebook message, whatapp her, sms her /Skype call, do what you need to do coz she’s got something of yours and you need to get a hold of it to get to your promise!!! And note it doesn’t need to be all about the spiritual maybe she has info on a scholarship available for the Master’s degree you have being dying to do but had no funds to do I mean pick up the phone and call your Naomi and your Ruth up today!!!!!
Another Story to illustrate how we need each other, God gives Deborah a prophet (who was ruling Israel as a judge, was a mother and a wife to Lappidoth) a word that Israel would defeat their enemies so she calls Colonel Barak (not Obama and you are right they didnt have titles in the army back then) and asks him to get the troops ready and he insists he can’t go to fight the battle unless Deborah comes along with him. To cut a long story short they go to battle and the credit all goes to Deborah but behind the scenes there is a woman who is never really preached about who tapped into what Deborah was doing and helped Deborah and Barak win the battle because you see Deborah and Barak had won the battle but the King of the opponent army was not yet dead so the prophecy was not yet fulfilled. So Jael , a housewife doesn’t opt not to get involved in Deborah’s war as most of us would do, but she entertains the enermy King Sisera and gives him warm milk coz that’s what makes people sleepy and drives a nail through his head thereby ensuring victory for her sister Deborah who goes on to get the credit!!! How about helping another sister wage a good warfare according to the prophecies spoken over her life by standing in prayer with her, yes she may not give you the credit but so what if God’s name is being glorified and a prophecy has come to pass, and maybe she got the husband you helped pray for but you are still single…if you have the scoop on what she needs to do to get the break through make time for her!!!.
God is a relational God who accomplishes things through our relationships, lets looks out for another, Esther would not have been chosen queen if she had not gottten inside information on what the King liked from her relationship with Hegai, Joseph made it to the palace because the butler/wine bearer told the king about his ability to interpret dreams, even Mary went to her older pregnant cousin Elizabeth when she was carrying the Messiah … I could go on ladies but you’ve got my point lets be our sister’s keeper and see God connect the dots as our destinies unfold…. I am really excited and enjoying and benefitting from some Naomi’s that I would have never imagined myself hanging out seriously!!!!!! So ….lets do this.
At 13 June 2014 at 16:46 ,
Pastor Phil said...
Powerful, inspirational stuff as always...
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