Echoes of a once wounded but now restored heart...

“God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes.” —Psalm 18:24 (The Message Bible) An account of my life events.... Echoes from my heart to the very heart of God....

Thursday, June 07, 2012


It’s always exciting to begin a new thing, be it a new hobby, new blog or new project but the challenge lies in being able to complete it. It takes a lot more to see a project through to the end and for me when I started this new series of posts I was bubbling, I couldn’t wait to get started now it’s taking a lot more from. It’s taking a lot of self motivation and self discipline yet I must write because The Lord asked me to write.
When my delivery dates drew close I was beginning to get excited and even my child’s father was calling incessantly and taking an interest in the baby, he started to countdown to the delivery date and would send a countdown text message daily so I started to thank God. You see I had asked God that if it were possible I wanted my baby to be born in a loving atmosphere where even if her dad and I were not together, but were we would at least both be excited about her arrival and that’s exactly what God did and for that I am grateful.

I went past the due date and began to panic but I prayed a lot and when the labour pains started I was in pain for nearly two days. I started to experience complications and before I knew it , it was a critical case because my baby’s heartbeat was getting slower and I saw the look of worry on my gynaecologist’s face and I asked what was wrong and I was told that my baby was in distress and so I need an emergency Caesarean operation. I was so frightened when I was told my baby’s heartbeat was slow and that  the foetal monitor was picking up feint heartbeats so I prayed and bargained with God. I pleaded with God that He intervene and not let my baby die. The operation was successful and I heard the surgeon say that she was happy that there had been no bleeding. I smiled because I had been suffering from anaemia and low blood pressure so I feared that I might need a blood transfusion if I had an operation but God was faithful. My miracle baby arrived on the 12th of February at 4am on a Saturday morning weighing 3kg. She was placed beside me just after she was cleaned up and I was fascinated by her wandering and inquisitive eyes looking around as though she could really see and I fell in love. She immediately began to suckle and I was fascinated because I did not show her, she just knew or maybe she smelt the milk. I was in awe of the miracle of life and immediately I knew this was not an ordinary baby I had received from God.

On the third day I began to experience what they call the third day blues and found myself a little teary. What I did not know was that my baby had been affected by the amniotic fluid which had been contaminated by the stool (meconium) that she had passed whilst in my womb during labour, My daughter had drunk the contaminated amniotic fluid and so it was now making her sick and I had no idea until she started screaming and before I knew it the nurses checked her temperature and said it was too high and immediately my baby was taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and I was heartbroken that after three days of being held in my arms my daughter would be alone and only have access to me during short stipulated times. I was so overwhelmed that I just kept crying. My baby was also traumatised by the sudden turn of events since she would cry and cry and the nurses would be too busy to pick her up so each time I came into NICU for feeds my heart broke even more. The two weeks that my daughter was in NICU taught me a lot about life, about God and about myself. I prayed like I had never prayed for. I thought about all the hardships and the condemnation and rejection I had experienced while carrying my baby and I knew I needed to stand and fight for my miracle baby’s destiny...but my daughter Nyasha did all the fighting, she bravely fought Neonatal Sepsis and was finally discharged and we went home.

After we left the Hospital people were very gracious to us and we never lacked. God would then begin to restore me as I started fighting to be back in His presence. God began to strengthen and work on my inner man and I grew stronger in Him. There were times I was frustrated when no jobs would come up but He kept me and my baby going and always provided for us. I knew it was a matter of time before God would begin to restore all to me and I held on to my faith



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